There is no “Rape Culture” in the West

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Somebody give that girl a medal.

According to the official Wikipedia page for “rape culture”, Rape culture is a sociological concept used to describe a setting in which rape is pervasive and normalized due to societal attitudes about gender and sexuality.

And, according to feminism, there is, in fact, a rape culture in the west.  I’m going to explain why this is bullshit.

If there was, we would have “rape parades” to celebrate rape, wouldn’t we?  I bet we would even have a magazine called “rape weekly” which would feature a rapist of the month and have excerpts on how to rape properly.  Rape would be considered a good thing in society, not a bad thing.

And yet, I don’t see rape parades.  Instead, I see slut walks.  Now, you could argue we live in a slut culture.  I wouldn’t argue that.  I enjoy the occasional slut every now and then.  Being a slut is now something to be celebrated.  Thanks feminism.  Even a broken clock is right twice a day.  Guess what?  Being a rapist isn’t.  It never was, at least in the west.

Feminism has tricked men.  They have tricked men into thinking there is a rape culture and that you need to act as if you are walking on glass when it comes to interacting with women, or else.  So much as looking at a woman the wrong way is objectification, which apparently means raping a woman with your mere eyes.  Who would have thought that was possible, huh?

This message harms men (and women, for that matter) more than you might think.  I wasted my high school years believing feminist ideas like these and for that reason I did horribly with women back then, mostly because I felt ashamed for having sexual desires for attractive women – like I was a part of “rape culture”.  Looking back at those years where I actually took feminism seriously, I cringe.

So lets go deeper into this “rape culture” myth.  To me, it’s actually sort of funny that feminists would choose to hold slutwalks in opposition to rape culture if we do so live in a rape culture.  Why?  Well, because, if we live in a culture where rape is ok, where it’s the “norm”, something NOT taken seriously, then why dress up like a slut and ADVERTISE it on the streets?  I mean, if we live in a culture where rape is commonplace and normal, part of our culture, then aren’t you sort of ASKING TO GET RAPED if we do so live in a culture where rape is considered A-OK?  Thats like being a Deer and putting a target on your back just asking for something that is apparently a part of “our culture”, according to feminism.

The simple fact of the matter is, there is no rape culture in the west.  Period.  Feminists can continue telling everyone there is but thats not going to make it anymore true either.  Rape is not something socially acceptable in our society.  It’s not celebrated and if even accused of it, your reputation and social standing can be ruined instantly.  If rape was considered ok and we did live in a culture in which rape was normalized, then being accused of being a rapist wouldn’t be such negative thing like it is.

Rape culture is not real, not in the West.  Sure, in some 3rd world countries maybe it might be closer to reality.  But as it stands now, there is no rape culture in the west.

So don’t be ashamed for having a penis.  Its ok to have sexual desires.

Just don’t rape anybody.