THE ATTRACTION TRINITY: Looks, Money and Status – A Complete Guide

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The first facet of the attraction trinity is the looks facet. Looks are not the end all be all. However, we’ve went too far in the other direction. Men are fed feel good statements like “It’s on the inside that counts”, “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover”, and “Looks don’t matter”. Heres the thing: They do matter. At least a little bit. Yes, it is true that men are more visually driven than women are, and that attraction for women is built on more than just looks alone. To actually believe that they don’t matter at all to women is simply delusion. Luckily, it’s not too hard to be at least average looking. Being well put together is an attainable goal.

  1. The first thing you can do is start lifting. Being fit and having a low body fat is the easiest way to boost the looks stat. Having low body fat will increase vascularity, and help to chisel out your jawline. Decide if you need to bulk or cut. Are you too skinny right now? Too fat? Figure out where you stand and go from there. Stronglifts 5X5 is a great program to get you started, and there are many others too. You’ll have to get your diet in check too…
  2. Eat healthier. You are what you eat, as they say. If you’re bulking, you’ll need to eat more calories than you burn. If cutting, you’ll need to eat less calories. If maintaining weight, you’ll need to eat just the right amount. You should have a good balance of protein, carbs and fats in your diet. Contrary to popular belief, fat doesn’t make you fat, eating too many calories and not working out make you fat.
  3. Dress Better. You can go from unattractive to attractive just by doing this. I’m serious. Figure out which colors work well for you. Try going outside your comfort zone. Where form fitting clothes. You shirts should compliment your body, not override it. V-necks, henleys, plaid, etc are things to consider. Pinstripes make you look taller, but horizontal stripes make you look wider. Maybe avoid those unless you’re sure it works for you. I used to wear horizontal stripes all the time in high school (blue pill days), but rarely do I now, if ever. If you wear glasses, see if contacts will work. Glasses can be good, but it depends on the type. Accessories can help put a spark in your style (necklaces, watches, etc.).


The second facet of the attraction trinity is that of money. No, women aren’t all gold diggers. But money is still important. Many women most certainly WILL judge you based on the car you drive, and stuff like that. Besides that, without money you can’t afford healthy foods and it would be hard to bulk. I’ve tried bulking broke before and I always hit a pothole. Food is expensive. Especially good, healthy, testosterone boosting foods. Also. without money, how are you gonna afford gas? What about dates? Sure, women will pay for your drinks and food sometimes (I had a plate do that for me when we first met off Tinder at the bar) but eventually, women will wonder what up and why you never seem to be able to afford anything. Money is not the end all be all, but it is still a part of the Looks, Money, and Status attraction trinity. So lets go over some pointers on acquiring it.

  1. Figure out what you’re good at. You don’t want to be stuck in a job that you hate, trust me. I’ve been there and done that. In fact, it’s why I started blogging. I enjoy writing, I enjoy helping people, and so I am on that path. Are you good with computers? Do you like programming? I know a guy making six figures working as a tech engineer, which involves SQL programming. Web developers make good money too, as do game developers. If you like computers, there are tons of options out there, including starting your own blog (which by the way, is an investment since it’s not a guaranteed pay check.) Maybe you like being on the road? I hear UPS drivers make six figures as well. For so many things, you do not need to be a college graduate. Figure out what you’re good at and see whats out there that can use your skill.
  2. Get REALLY good at what it is you like. For me, acting/filmmaking has always been my dream outside of writing. I have taken acting workshops with professional television actors/actresses, and been on many auditions. I was in the drama club at Church as a child, and did theater all throughout high school and college. If you want to become a hireable candiate for something, it will take work. You have to get good at what it is you are already good at. Does that make sense? You should always strive to improve. Getting paid for your skill should be a walk in the park if you are truly dedicated to it.
  3. Don’t spend money on shit you don’t need. Learn how to save. Seriously. I’ve wasted so much money on stuff. I’ve also went into debt. I know what it’s like. Got my first credit card and fell into a hole. I’m warning people not to make the same mistakes I did. Treat yourself when you feel you’ve truly earned it.

Money is my biggest weakness of the attraction trinity. It’s the one thing I still struggle with to this day. But from what I’ve learned, this is advice that would have helped me if I followed it sooner. So lets move on to the final facet of the attraction trinity.


Status is the final facet of the attraction trinity model. And much of the time, status is highly correlated with money, since status can be attained from having a career too. If I was a famous actor, surely I would have status from that right? Or what if I was a famous author like Stephen King? Surely I’d have status then too right? Get the picture? Now, status CAN be job induced. It can also be a host of other things too. Status is often contextual. Perhaps you’re the best blackjack player this side of the Mississippi river. And everyone knows it. Or maybe you’re a really good pool player. Or baseball. Lets dive in.

  1. Similar to the money facet, get really good at something. Perhaps it’s directing movies or making music. If you are really good at something and put it out there, people will notice.
  2. Become an authority figure at something. This ties into point one.
  3. Maintain your status. Always know your competition.

Status hugely ties into the money facet. It’s always worthwhile to combine the two. Status isn’t always easy to get or maintain either. Stay on your toes.

And this wraps up my brief guide to the attraction trinity model. In the future, assuming this is received well, I may dive more in depth on each of these and really go all out with strategies for each facet. Perhaps each facet will get it’s own, informative post. For now, I hope this can set you in the right direction. All of these facets put together will make or break your SMV, and are the core of your game. The middle of the triangle is game.