State of Mind Mastery Part VII: Confidence is a Stain You Can’t Wipe Off

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NEGATIVITY IS UNHEALTHY. Your body can become addicted to an emotion. So, being negative can be fun. But, its not good. Be positive! Rubber band tech: Wear it. Snap it when you have negative thoughts. Here is a tip: MODELING. Model confident people. Confidence is a stain you can’t wipe off, says Lil Wayne Carter. At least 3 kinds of modeling are available: Someone you know, Someone you admire, and a confidence mentor.

Acting as If is another technique. Don’t worry about outcome so much. Posture is important, so stand up strait, chest high, smile. Speak in a slow, sure voice. DON’T speak so fast! Slow, clear, loud. Eye contact, don’t look down, don’t stare at feet. Well, not yours…

Remember to relax, as I covered in a previous entry. Don’t be twitchy. Breathe in, 15 second breaths. 6 in, 2 hold, 7 out. Calm. Breathe out stress. Tense your muscles, let them go. Relax your muscles. Ground yourself. Breathe, pause, focus.

Recognize your insecurities. Name them. Let them come. Figure out your values. Goals in life. Face your fears everyday. Look and feel best. Take care of yourself. Be healthy. Be thankful for what you have. Seek to give value first. And be prepared! Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.

This isn’t a complicated topic. Confidence is something you can control. If women want to reject you, fine. However, give them the chance to do that, don’t do it yourself. That’s just pathetic.