State of Mind Mastery Part VI: Assault on Sexual Anxiety

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What is it?

⦁ Nervousness related to sexual actions


⦁ Approach Anxiety, escalation anxiety, sexual performance anxiety, size anxiety, nervousness related to sexual activity and conversation, touching and situations

Problems it creates:

  • Approaching, attracting and escalating interactions with chicks.
  • Cripples your game

Where does SA come from?

⦁ Nature Vs Nurture

⦁ Religious background, feminist shaming of male sexuality, etc

How to tell if you have SA

⦁ You worry about sexual inexperience with chicks

⦁ You don’t know if you can satisfy a chick

⦁ Uncomfortable with sexual conversation

⦁ Nervous escalating with chicks

⦁ Nervous expressing interest in a chick

⦁ Sexually unconfident

How to work it out

⦁ Education: Knowledge and experience

⦁ Book recommendations: Guide to Getting it on, My Secret Garden, Sperm Wars

⦁ Build up your sexual experience

⦁ Get comfortable discussing sex

⦁ Fetishes

⦁ Understanding what you like sexually


How are beliefs related to sexuality?

⦁ Beliefs>Actions>Results>Beliefs

⦁ What are your beliefs about sex

⦁ What are your beliefs about relationships

⦁ What are your beliefs about women

Common Bad Beliefs:

⦁ Women don’t like sex as much as men

⦁ Women don’t like to be hit on

⦁ Women want commitment if they have sex with you

⦁ Women only want rich, good looking, connected, guys

⦁ Women don’t like talking about sex

⦁ Sex has to mean something

⦁ Relationships have to be monogamous


⦁ We discussed Sexual anxiety and how it tanks your game

⦁ We talked about where it comes from and why and how to work on it using a two pronged approach from experience and education

⦁ And we explored the relationship between sexual anxiety and beliefs

Helpful Exercises

  • Write down all bad beliefs. Write opposite of beliefs. Beliefs don’t have to be true to be helpful.
  • Go to A Strip Club, sit in the front row of the stage and see how long you can keep eye contact with the stripper without looking at her body. If you can do that try to talk to a stripper as long as you can without checking out her body or looking at her in a sexual way…her goal is to get you to crack, try to take back your sexual power.

I hope this was helpful. In the next part, we will cover confidence. For a full website of content like this, type in my username into your web address bar and hit enter. Or see my submission history for a more selective, smaller amount.

We are halfway through this 12 part series of posts. My goal is to make a positive difference in your life.