Don’t come up with reasons for a woman not to sleep with you- that’s her job!

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Men are the gatekeepers of commitment, and women are the gatekeepers of sex.

Because of this, you should be focusing on reasons not to commit to her, not reasons for her not to sleep with you. It’s counterproductive.

This is one of my favorite mindsets I’ve worked to adopt since swallowing the red pill. I used to always come up with excuses not to escalate with women or show any attraction, which would usually result in a perma friendzone like state. I would always be in my head too much and come up with a ton of reasons why she’ll reject me.

Now I know damn well other guys do this exact same thing. Coming up with reasons for a woman not to sleep with you. I mean wow, how much do you even respect yourself? You just think she’s so much better than you and you aren’t worthy of her. Wow, just wow. How toxic is this mindset, anyways? Very.

And I think it’s important to realize when you are doing it. You should stop and think to yourself why you are coming up with reasons for her not to sleep with you. You might become more aware of it and be able to own up to your own errors in your thinking.

Anyways, I hope this mindset helps.


The Long List of Female Privileges

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In case anybody has forgotten, women have tons of privileges sure to make any hard line feminist’s hamster wheel spin at high velocities. Feminists outright deny that female privilege exists ( Let this post be a simple reminder that you have nothing to be ashamed about for being born a man, and that contrary to popular belief, yes, women DO have female privilege. Too many men have been tricked into believing they have all the privileges in the world but women have none. Heres a list of 97 privileges females have. Some may be more relevant than others. This list is probably not perfect, but nothing is. Here you go TRP:

  1. From an early age the opposite sex will be instructed never to hit me but I may not be given the same instructions. However, should I strike males I can expect not to be hit back and any social penalties that occur from my actions will actually fall on the male.
  2. If I’m not smart, but pretty, I can marry and achieve the social and financial level of my husband without ever working.
  3. I can produce offspring. A status which grants me an “essential” status in our species that men can never have and which can never be taken away from me even in old age.
  4. Regardless of my mate value society has organised fertility clinics and social welfare programs that will allow me to have children and provide for them should I choose to reproduce without a mate or marriage.
  5. I not only have the more valuable and sought after sexual identity, but I also have complete control over my reproductive choice and in many ways over the reproductive choice of the opposite sex.
  6. At any time I can abandon my parental responsibilities with little or no social stigma and hand the child over to the state or abort the pregnancy. A male could never relieve himself of this burden unless I allow him to.
  7. I am granted all the rights of a democracy without any of the burdens of military service.
  8. At age 18 I lose the protective status of the child but retain the protective status of the female. Boys at age 18 lose the protected status of the child and become targets if they fail to gain status after that point.
  9. When I marry a man with status I can take his name and become whoever he has spent years becoming. I need not do anything special to be worthy of receiving the reputation he has built. However, if I wish to keep my own name I can do so. Should my husband feel the sting of this insult I can simply call him a sexist for it.
  10. People will help me more when I’m in need and I will receive no social penalty or stigma for it.
  11. When I’m on a date things will be paid for me.
  12. When I search for employment I can choose jobs which I think are fulfilling without concern of whether they provide a “family” wage.
  13. I can discriminate against the opposite sex ruthlessly without social penalty.
  14. If I marry and quit my job and enjoy a leisurely life with light housework and then later divorce I will be given half of the marital assets.
  15. If I commit a crime and am convicted I will get a sentencing “discount” because of my gender. If I am very pretty it will increase my discount.
  16. If I am a partner in crime with a man I will likely be charged with lesser crimes even though I committed the same crimes even if I was the ringleader.
  17. I have the option to be outraged if my husband asks me if my behaviour is due to PMS and later on use PMS as a successful legal defence for murdering that same husband.
  18. At age 18 I will not be forced to register for Selective Service and will not be penalised for failing to do so.
  19. At a time of war I will never be drafted and ripped from my employment, home, and family and forced to become a military slave.
  20. My feelings are more important than men’s lives. Every precaution will be made to protect me from harassment at work. However, males will make up nearly 100% of workplace fatalities.
  21. My gender controls 80% of domestic spending. We get to spend our money if we have any and we get to spend men’s money.
  22. The majority of luxury apparel is designed, marketed to, and consumed by women.
  23. Seven times as much jewellery will be purchased by or for me than by or for men.
  24. I have a department of women’s health whereas men have no such department.
  25. My gender enjoys more government spending on health than males do.
  26. My gender consumes the lioness’ share of entitlement programs while men contribute the lion’s share of taxes.
  27. If I rape or molest a child I can expect lighter treatment in court and afterwards receive less social stigma. What’s more, should I become pregnant, I can sue my victim for child support when he finally turns 18.
  28. When I divorce my husband I will be guaranteed custody of my children unless I am deemed to be unfit. Even if my husband is “Parent of the Year” 10 years running it is unlikely he will get custody over me even if I am a mediocre parent.
  29. When I divorce I can use false accusations of domestic violence, sexual molestation of the children or abuse of the children to gain advantage during court proceedings. If I am found out to be a liar I can expect to get away with it.
  30. If a man calls me a slut it will probably hurt his reputation more than it hurts mine, but at any rate the damage will be small and localised. However, if I call him a child molester or claim that he raped me I can destroy him completely and the damage may be nationwide.
  31. If I fail at my career I can blame the male dominated society.
  32. I may have the luxury of staying home and being a housewife but if my sister’s husband does the same thing I’m likely to call him a deadbeat loser and tell her to leave him.
  33. If I “choose” to join the military; the best military occupations providing the most lucrative civilian training will be reserved for me. I will be kept away from the fighting as much as possible to the point that I will be thirty times less likely to be killed in a war zone than my male counterparts. I will be given equal pay for less risk. I will never have to consider the fact that by joining the military and getting a plumb assignment I automatically forced a male out of that position and into a combat role that may cost him his life.
  34. If a male soldier injures himself before a deployment he can be arrested and court marshalled for it. If I deliberately get pregnant before a deployment or even during a deployment I will be reassigned and or taken out of a war zone and I will receive no penalty for it.
  35. My gender watches more television in every hour of every day than any other group. This along with the fact that women control 80% of domestic spending means that most television shows and advertisement are designed to appeal to me.
  36. I can wear masculine clothing if it pleases me however men cannot wear feminine clothing without social penalty.
  37. Not only is there a wealth of clothing choices designed for me but it is likely that I will be able to afford or have them provided for me.
  38. I can claim that a wage gap exists and that it is the fault of sexism while simultaneously seeking employment without considering income as a priority. I will probably choose my job based on satisfaction, flexibility of hours, and working conditions and then expect to make as much as the males working nights, out in the rain and cold or working overtime.
  39. I can be bigoted or sexist against males without social penalty.
  40. If I make a false claim of rape against a male in an act of revenge or in order to cover up my own scandalous behavior I may well succeed at both and he may spend years in prison. If I am found out it is unlikely I will be charged, convicted, or serve any time at all.
  41. If I abuse my husband and physically assault him and the police arrive it is almost guaranteed he will go to jail.
  42. If I am in an abusive relationship there are a multitude of social organisations to help me get away from him. There are few for men in the same position even though women initiate the majority of DV and even though men are hospitalized 30% of the time.
  43. In the event of a natural disaster or other emergency that requires evacuation I can expect to be evacuated before males. This includes male doctors, humanitarians, politicians, captains of industry, billionaires, and religious leaders. I will receive no social penalty if all of those people died because I was evacuated first. However, should they manage to get evacuated before women and those women died they will all suffer a social penalty.
  44. If someone is attacking a person on the street I have no obligation to assist them and I will receive no social penalty if I do nothing.
  45. If someone is harming my children and I run away and ask someone else to help I will receive no social penalty for my cowardice.
  46. I’m immune to cognitive dissonance.
  47. I may denounce the concept of a dowry, however, I still expect a man to give me an engagement ring when he asks me to marry him.
  48. I expect a man to ask me to marry me and suffer the potential risk of rejection.
  49. If I lie it’s because I’m a victim of a male dominated society forced into difficult circumstances and not because I’m a bad person.
  50. If my boyfriend sabotages a condom he can pay me child support for the next 20 years. If I secretly don’t take my birth control my boyfriend can pay me child support for the next 20 years.
  51. If I’m uncomfortable exercising around men I can demand a female only gym be made for women. If any male only gyms exist I can demand membership under threat of lawsuit.
  52. If my female only gym at the university decides to close early for safety reasons I can scream sexism and force them to keep it open as long as the main gym.
  53. If I succeed at keeping the female gym open and I leave late at night and I don’t feel safe I can demand that the university spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for more lighting and police presence.
  54. If after getting new lighting and police protection I decide I don’t want to go to the gym anymore well that’s just my prerogative.
  55. I’m likely to believe that if a woman is intoxicated she is not capable of giving consent and if sex occurs it is rape. However, if her male partner is also intoxicated he is capable of consenting.
  56. If a man is promoted over me at work I have a right to suspect sexism even though I also believe that under adverse circumstances men are more capable than women of making good decisions. (see #55)
  57. I can cry and get my husband to do something for me that he might not have done otherwise.
  58. I expect people (especially men) to be sensitive to my feelings.
  59. I can deny a man’s feelings or disregard them or ridicule him for having them without social penalty.
  60. If I lose my job it’s because of sexism or the economy. If a man loses his job it’s because he’s a loser.
  61. If I go to a club or bar with my girlfriends and I look my sexy best I have a right to be perturbed when men approach me and hit on me in this public place.
  62. Even though men die more from prostate cancer than women die from breast cancer I can expect that twice as much funding is given for breast cancer. The same will apply to any female specific disease or malady.
  63. If for some reason I do not get custody of my children I will be expected to pay less child support than another man in my exact same position.
  64. If I kidnap my children and I am eventually caught I can successfully defend myself by claiming I was protecting them from my husband–even if my children were given to him to protect them from me.
  65. My gender makes up 53% of the voting population yet when I see more men in political office I will call that sexism.
  66. If I am married with children and I want to stay home with the kids I’m likely to blame my husband for not making enough to allow me to do that.
  67. I think it is my right to work and I am unconcerned if the influx of women into the workforce has reduced overall wages to the point that it’s hard to support a family on just one income, or affirmative action has kept men from being promoted even though they deserved it.
  68. I can get student financial aid without signing up for Selective Service (the Draft).
  69. I can get employment with a federal agency without signing up for Selective Service.
  70. Restrooms for my gender will be cleaner and are more likely to have flowers or other decorations.
  71. If I’m caring for a child restrooms for my gender will more likely have a changing table for my convenience.
  72. People I’ve never met before are more likely to open doors for me.
  73. People I’ve never met before are more likely to talk to me in public.
  74. If I go to a bar I can expect that members of the opposite sex will purchase drinks for me.
  75. Anytime I find an organisation just for men I can denounce it as sexism.
  76. I believe that women should have organisations just for women.
  77. If I meet a man that I like and I give him my phone number and he doesn’t call I have a right to think of him as an asshole.
  78. If I meet a man that I like and I give him my phone number and he calls me I have a right to blow him off or act like I don’t know him.
  79. I believe I have a right to live in an orderly and safe society but I feel no obligation to risk my safety to secure or maintain that society.
  80. I like it when bars and clubs have drinks specials just for women.
  81. I think that organisations that offer any discounts or privileges just for men is a clear sign of sexism.
  82. If I’m white I will live 6 years longer than white males and 14 years longer than black males.
  83. If I’m encouraged to get medical care it’s because I owe it to myself.
  84. When my husband is encouraged to get medical help it’s because he owes to to me and the kids.
  85. If something bad happens to me or just one woman I believe it is an offence against all women.
  86. I believe that if something bad happens to a man it’s because he’s a loser.
  87. I think that alimony is fair when paid to a woman but not fair when paid by a woman.
  88. I’m more likely to believe that women who commit crimes are sick and need treatment or understanding whereas men who commit crimes are evil and should be locked up forever.
  89. I can criticise the opposite sex without social penalty, but woe be to the man who attempts to criticise me or other women.
  90. I can throw a fit and act like a two year old to get what I want without damaging my mate value.
  91. I have the luxury of not being the filter for natural selection.
  92. I can sleep with my boss if I want and afterwards I can sue him for sexual harassment.
  93. I can wear seductive clothing and perfume to attract a man at work but no one will accuse me of sexual harassment.
  94. If I hear a story about Darfur and how men who leave the refugee camps to gather wood are hacked to death to prevent their wives from being raped I am likely to think that is proper but not likely to send money.
  95. If I hear a story about Darfur and how women are leaving the refugee camps to gather wood are being raped I’m likely to be outraged. I’m also likely to wonder why these women’s husbands aren’t protecting them.
  96. If I ever heard these stories about Darfur it is my privilege not to care or even consider that the reason the second story exists is because all the men in the first have already been killed.
  97. It is my right to maintain the belief that men oppress women despite all of the evidence to the contrary.

And there you have it. Exhaustive, but interesting nonetheless. Check your privilege, feminist shitlords!



Society doesn’t give a shit about you. When you realize this, women are drawn to you like insects are drawn to light

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So stop giving a shit about society. Go against the grain. Be an anti-feminist. Be an unabashed cocky motherfucker.

Society couldn’t give two shits if you died tomorrow. You don’t matter that much in the grand scheme of things. The universe is an infinite loop of existence. We are just ants. We are just a speck. Thats how you must think, and since this is a sexual strategy forum, of course I will throw some of that in here as well.

The key to getting laid and getting better with women is not giving a fuck what people think of you. Not giving a fuck is the epitome of confidence. Being outcome independent is what matters most. Stop overthinking every single move. Women fucking hate that. They like unpredictable men.

And when I say society doesn’t give a shit about you, I mean that. I’m sure I can find outliers, the top like, 5 percent of men society actually cares about (the incredibly wealthy, famous types, etc.) But the average man working 9-5, or going to community college classes, or what have you, society wouldn’t miss you if you died. You’d be forgotten about in a week by non-loved ones. I’ve realized this and my perspective has changed.

You can use this knowledge to try and make a difference in the world, somehow. Follow your dreams. Do what you want to do and fuck the naysayers. Since we are all red pilled over here, I will go ahead and call the naysayers “the blue pill”. Fuck the blue pill. They don’t give a fuck about you. Let them enjoy their little high horses. Forget the blue pill and start living life how you want regardless of what they say.

Getting laid will be easier, because since you understand that you are just an ant, and not really that important in the grand scheme of things, you will develop a don’t give a fuck attitude, which moistens panties. Women are drawn to these types of men like insects are drawn to light.

Be that light in their world. For many women, they live a dull existence, in the darkness filled with beta orbiters, red wine, thrift stores, and lots of female privileges they don’t even realize they have. Most women, even plain, average women, have a shit load of options that they aren’t interested in. Because most men are boring and lead dull lives as well. Sure, you can say women have standards impossible to live up to, but thats not all true. They just want to have fun.

So, treat women like children because thats what fun is to women. They don’t need you to put them on some pedestal. Tease them, fuck them, and realize theres nothing to be guilty of for any of these mindsets. Society gives 0 shits about you. Don’t be guilty for what you want, whether its a relationship or to fuck multiple women. The blue pill can go fuck itself.


Stand out to women – SAY IT DIFFERENTLY!

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Ok…so you’ve noticed that usually, when you talk to a girl, her eyes tend to glaze over after about 30 seconds. Even though she responded well at first…somehow she’s losing interest quickly. Until she starts to look around for an excuse to leave. Why is this happening? There are two possible reasons:

  1. She just put her glasses on and realized that you’ve got a strange face.
  2. You’re boring her.

Given that you can’t do anything about Reason 1 lets focus on Reason 2: You’re boring her. How are you boring her?

Well, scientifically speaking, everything that is expected by the other person’s brain and then happens is likely to bore it. (Unless of course it’s got an element of pleasure in it and in that case it turns into “anticipation” and “reward”) Confused? I give you an example:

How excited and stimulated do you get when you meet someone that asks you things like: “So, do you come here often?” or “So, what do you do for a living?” or my favorite: “So, where are you from?”?

Not very. Unless she’s rubbing the inside of your leg at the same time. It’s boring at worst and unstimulating at best. And when you answer you are going through the motions. And if girls habitually zone out after half a minute of talking to you it’s likely that you’re not stimulating her brain or anything else. And they go through the motions with you.


You should avoid playing it safe and talking like you assume you should talk in order to be like everyone else. More specifically you should avoid saying all the things that men typically say in the way that they typically say them…like asking the kind of questions above. You should stimulate her brain and her emotions when you speak to her.


By surprising her, constantly putting something new into the conversation, initiating a new topic, aiming to have an impact on her, being in what I call an “active communication mindset”. But right now I want to give you one key strategy, that if you just remember this you’ll be on the right track:


That is the easiest way to stimulate her brain, her mind and her emotions whenever you talk to a girl and because it’s so simple you can remember it instantly. So here are a few examples:

Instead of saying: “So what do you do for a living?” say: “What do you do for cash?” Instead of asking her: “what’s your name?” say: “What does your mom call you?” Instead of saying: “Can I have your number please?” you might say: “So I guess I should take your number…” and pretend that you’ve GOT to do it to not be impolite.


(And of course, right now, forget what I just said as examples…because you should challenge yourself to come up with new ways of saying things by yourself!) Look…if you’re always saying what the safest, commonest way of saying that thing is, you WILL bore women. And your friends too. You will even BORE YOURSELF. So challenge yourself to get playful, inventive and have a bit of fun by coming up with DIFFERENT ways of saying or asking what you’re saying or asking.

Do this ONE thing and you’ll notice how women’s reactions totally change. Best thing? You’ll actually start ENJOYING having conversations with people including cute women.


Try it out. In your everyday conversations. Practice “saying it differently”. It helps to enjoy the process. When you go shopping, when you speak to people on the phone, when you’re at university or when you’re talking to your friends.

Challenge yourself to SAY IT DIFFERENTLY.


White Knights are Dangerous

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The only times I’ve ever seriously had that thumping heart, fight or flight response after threats of violence have been caused by low value white knights. Beta males. So far this year, the two times I’ve ever legitimately felt like I was going to have to fight someone or take a hard beating was due to jealous, ghetto little wannabe thugs coming to the aid of women I was interacting with at the time.
The first time was over my then girlfriend, who was disrespecting me at the time. Now I’m unplugged, I don’t pedestalize any woman, so I tend to talk to them like normal human beings- which means if they are talking out of their ass or disrespecting me, I hold frame and don’t buy into their childish, petty attention seeking requests.

May of 2016, I was with my ex girlfriend and he friend- an unpredictable, aggressive, 19 year old little punk who decided to try to break us up and call me a fuck boy. Well because he hadn’t seen me give her my jacket, you know because it was cold (but I had given her my jacket already, she had came inside and it was not cold enough to be concerned) he literally thought threats of pounding my 24 year old buff ass into the ground was the answer. Yes, the motherfucker was drunk, but my point still stands- this was nothing more than a jealous, friend zoned beta male being a white knight and trying to prove something to my then girlfriend with threats of violence. Now, did I retaliate? No, he never threw a punch, and I’m not one to throw the first punch. I’m just not a violent person. See, beta males are violent. They are unpredictable and prone to aggression because of their ingrained jealousy for alpha males (fuck boys?).

December, 2016, a day ago…another white knight decided to pull the same act, this time over a girl that he clearly likes, but I don’t. And guess what? The girl is a tweaker, STD ridden, and I want nothing to do with her in my house but I tolerate her because of mutual friends. But because I don’t worship the ground she walks on, this little piece of shit goes off about how I don’t respect “females”, and because I don’t respect this one particular bitch, I must not respect my own mother either. In his delusional, twisted, drug fueled unstable little mind, I am the bad guy because I stand up to myself against PEOPLE like HER who I want nothing to do with- and that makes me the bad guy, because I don’t worship women like he does. So threats of violence ensues. Garage door is locked, almost like I’ve been set up to be beaten, and my heart rate goes way up like I’m going to have to fight to defend myself. The fuckers got his gloves on, and fists clenched, but never throws a punch. So again, luckily nothing happened to me and I wasn’t forced to fight someone smaller but crazier than me.

But what happens when I’m not so lucky? And a white knight pulls a gun or a knife on me? I better learn Krav Maga, just to be safe. But…I hope I never have to use it for real. I think what all of these events have really taught me is…


Seriously. Just fucking follow the rule. It’s incredibly dangerous, and unpredictable not to, around mixed company you don’t know well. Remember, beta males/white knights are inherently low value males…they have nothing to lose by going all out on you and beating you into submission IF you let them do it…I personally don’t like to use violence to solve things unless absolutely FORCED too…I do know Ninjutsu, and wrestled, so I could if I really had to. But seriously, the difference between me and a beta male is that I have a lot to lose…they don’t…so them simply ending it lethally isn’t out of the question, and you have to be prepared for that. It’s not worth getting into an altercation with someone like that- you don’t know what they’re packing.


Attracting women is like selling a house

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Women are the buyers. You’re the real estate agent.

Fix up your house before you put it on the market.

If the house has bad plumbing, or bad electrical work, or whatever, it will likely drive your asking price down lower than what it would cost to fix the problem in the first place. And the cost of remodeling or redecorating is often lower than the amount that it raises your house in value.

So make the improvements. THEN put yourself on the market, and watch them fight over you.

Monk mode mofo.

The same applies with women.

You can put yourself out on the market right now. You might be perfectly marketable “as is.” But think about what would happen if you redecorated yourself (worked out, got a new clothing style, got a new hairstyle).

Add to that the added value of updating the existing infrastructure (learn to play an instrument, stay up on current events, develop your sense of humor, read).

Now you’re even MORE marketable, and you’re going to attract a higher class of “buyer.”

The amount of “value” you add to yourself is going to be a lot more than the “cost” of improving yourself. It’s going to make you more desirable and more valuable.


Flirting 103

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So I’m going to share 3 secrets of how to flirt with women. These are dating tips you can use to make it much easier to flirt with women that you meet anywhere you go.

Tip 1: They want you to win.

A lot of guys don’t approach women during the day because they’re afraid of what other people would think about what they’re doing. It’s easy to be embarrassed in advance of actually flirting with women, but you can’t let that stop you from doing what you need to – even if you think that everyone is watching you.

Let me tell you this: Almost every single person who sees a guy approaching or about to flirt with a woman is secretly rooting for you to pull it off and succeed.

The simple fact is that most people are so absorbed in their own life, they don’t even notice when you’re practicing how to flirt with women. And the ones that do notice don’t care at all.

The only people who exist are you and whoever you’re approaching.

This will be hard to internalize at first, but practice makes perfect.

Tip 2: Start with nothing.

If you’re wondering about what to say when you’re trying to figure out how to flirt with women, here’s a rule that works in 99% of the situations you will find yourself in: If you just make a comment about the situation you’re in – whether that’s a coffee shop, or a grocery store freezer section, or whatever – if you just make a comment about what you’re doing as a way to open the conversation, that’s all you need.

For example, let’s say you’re getting your morning Starbucks, and you’re in line next to a tall Swedish girl with legs all the way to her neck. The easiest way for how to flirt with women in this way would be to just ask her what her favorite roast or variety is.

And if she doesn’t respond immediately, you have to understand that it has nothing to do with you. Women walk around all day up in their heads, so you may have to persist to break her out of her shell.

Another easy way to open is to simply say something like “Hey I saw you back there and I noticed you have an interesting style, I had to come over and say hi.”

With this one, shes going to stop for a couple seconds like “Oh wow, ok :-)”…she’s gonna stop, she’s not gonna start talking to you instantly…she’s gonna give you like 10 seconds that you can use to follow up with something to carry the conversation forward.

For example, your followup might be “You’ve got this Spanish thing going on, whats your background?” if she’s wearing something Spanish themed.

Now, after that “line”, you can quickly follow up with it to peek more interest from her and a response. More than often, what you say the first time matters less than the next thing.

Another simple one is “Whats your name, I haven’t met you yet?”.

Easy peazy.

Tip 3: To the victor goes the spoils.

The ultimate determinant of whether you’ll be successful in learning how to flirt with women is very simple. It’s the ability to feel the fear and do it anyways! The simple truth is that most guys will never motivate themselves to approach and talk to a woman under any situation. They’re just too chicken to do it. They let their emotions get in the way of the results.

It’s the same thing for any field, really. In weight training, the guy that gets results is the one that goes to the gym, pays his dues with a little sweat, and doesn’t let his laziness or his negative emotions stop him from doing what he must to succeed.

The same is true of learning how to flirt with women. The easiest way to get results is to just DO SOMETHING, but most men will simply talk themselves out of it.

This should be a relief to you. After all, that means that the playing field is much smaller than you might have thought. Less than 1 in 10 guys will ever act on their desire and discover how to flirt with women. That means that if you just DO IT, you’ll already beat 90% of all the guys out there.

The Lesson: Think less, act more. Flirting isn’t complicated.


Just do it: A guide on Inner Game and eliminating self doubts about yourself or with women

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Summary: The Nike slogan is a little simplistic, but once you understand what is really holding you back, the “just do it” advice is more helpful than you might assume. I say this as a Vans guy. Let’s start by establishing right now what it is that stops you from acting:


Yep. That’s the only thing that stops you from doing the things you know you should be doing. And it’s because of these two particular dysfunctional thought patterns that your thinking will mess you up:

1) Imagining horrible consequences that DO NOT EXIST

2) Not planning and preparing yourself so that you can feel confident in that situation and act anyway

There is nothing physically different about a man that walks up to a woman and talks to her than the one that doesn’t, other than what he is THINKING beforehand. There is no special “talk to women” gene, or a special “approach women” brain cell cluster – or any other special gift that this guy has that you can’t develop. Arguing to the contrary is a major COP OUT that will kill your success with women. Now, for the sake of understanding this phenomenon in men, here’s what’s going on in the brain of the guy who can’t find the courage. These are belief systems that are tripping him up and ruining his self-confidence:

  • Women are scary. They are somehow different in a mystical way.
  • My value as a man is at stake here. Women have the ability to judge me and make me less valuable.
  • I’m not secure enough in my own value to believe that I have enough to offer a woman. Why would she want to talk to ME?
  • If she rejects me, I’ll be in incredible pain.

Now let’s look at the other side. Here’s what the confident guy is thinking – the guy that DOES approach women and talk to them:

  • I’m valuable. No other person can alter that in any way.
  • I’m not scared. There’s no reason to be – She’s not better than me.
  • There’s no down-side to approaching her. What’s the worst thing that can happen? She’s not interested? Big deal, there’s more fish in the sea.
  • And if I don’t try to meet her, she STILL won’t be interested. I lose both ways if I do nothing.
  • There’s no way I can let a gal like that get away without experiencing the joy of having someone like me in her life. She’d never forgive me if she found out I didn’t give her that chance.

I don’t mean to beat the self-esteem horse to death here, but the reality is that if a man believes – wholeheartedly – in his value and his power, he fears no man, woman, child, or small furry mammal. AND to understand this on an even deeper level, the man who doesn’t believe in himself actually believes in SOMETHING ELSE – besides himself, like:

  • A woman’s opinion of me is more important than my own.
  • Woman have a secret power and are mysterious sacred beings that only the most gifted men can attract and sleep with.

Etc. The list goes on and on.

And so do the rationalizations and self-esteem head games we play. You can’t be intimidated by a person unless you believe that their opinion about you is more important or more valuable than your own. You may even think that everything I’ve been saying here is a bunch of “mind tricks.” In reality, there are no “tricks.” Only methods of showing you how the man who is successful thinks instead of … well, the other kind of guy. The wimp. The Wuss.

Tell me, what are YOU thinking when you see a woman you want to talk to? Here’s a clue:


In other words, you need to just ACT and not entertain the reality of the loser. Don’t give your mind the chance to talk you out of it. Remember, the pussy, beta male loserboy voice hangs out in your head, just waiting to sabotage you. That is why you act immediately. Some people call this the “Three Second Rule,” but I think that’s too long. It’s really the “Instantly Move Rule.”

If you don’t already know what you’re going to say when you see a woman you want to meet, you’re not prepared enough, and there’s nothing new you’re going to figure out while you’re sitting there spinning on your bar stool working up your courage, other than how to talk yourself out of it, which is what most men do!

Take a few minutes right now to come up with a few opening topics (not “lines”). Things like, “Hey, I’m looking for a woman’s opinion on something. My friend is trying to meet his next girlfriend. Where do you think he should go to meet quality women?” That’s simple, cute, and almost guarantees a chat with a woman.

Sit down for a few minutes right now … Let me say that again… RIGHT NOW!!!! and plan out a couple introductions like that. Memorize them. Then you need never worry about what you’re going to do EVER AGAIN. It’s on your “hard drive” and ready to roll. Part of the reason you’re “working up courage” is because you’ve got no idea what you’re going to say or do. If you did, you could just mindlessly fall back on that plan and … uh… Just Do It.

I can promise you this:

  • She won’t dump her drink in your face.
  • She won’t slap you.
  • She won’t tell all her friends about you and laugh hysterically.

(If any of the next 100 women you talk to does any of these things, I’ll be shocked…)

In fact, the worst I EVER experience is a slight frigid behavior from her that tells you she’s got issues or she just isn’t ready for you. So move on. Nothing lost. (Except a rude woman who isn’t what you want in your life.)

Remember: Don’t place your validation in a woman’s hands. She isn’t qualified for that job.

Only YOU are.

Get to the point where you understand everything I said in this post, not just at a LOGICAL level – or even at a “Yeah, that kinda makes sense” level – but at an EMOTIONAL “Holy Shit, that’s POWERFUL” level. Where it slams you in the gut and makes you pace your apartment in utter disbelief. When this revelation does hit, you’ll be changed for good. And for the better. It’s easy to look at the other guys out there who can just walk up and talk to women with no problem as somehow “gifted.” They seem almost granted a mystical power that the ordinary guy can’t relate to.

  • So how do they DO it?

It’s not magic, or a special power. In fact, once you understand the workings of women enough, it’s really pretty simple. You’ll wonder why in the world you were so intimidated at all. The only “magic” you have to add to this equation is the attitude to take action. Look, there are so many things you have to have down pat in the singles world. Like, how do you NOT screw it up in those vital first couple minutes of meeting a woman? Getting laid is not about getting “lucky.”

It’s about having the right knowledge and understanding up front. Women are actually WAITING for men to date and sleep with, if you’ll just give them the right reasons WHY they should be with YOU. It’s deliberate and on-purpose, not subject to the whims of chance and fate. BE the kind of man they are waiting for. That’s all they ask of you. Do you ever feel like you’re at a loss when it comes to approaching women and getting them interested in you – romantically? Read the next couple paragraphs carefully, because it has a DIRECT IMPACT ON YOU…

Women are attracted to several key behaviors in men. These are things that many guys don’t know are attractive to women because it goes against what they think of as “nice.” The ideas I’ve just discussed above are what I consider to be essential behaviors to incorporate in your identity. These are a critical part of dating success with women. Most guys spend no time improving their skills with women, and they end up chickening out when the time is right to approach women. They’d rather sit back and talk about what they WOULD do, but not actually muster up the courage to DO IT.

Just do it.

The Lesson: Just do it.


Flirting 102

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First of all, when you discover how to flirt with women, you realize that it’s not about pickup lines or seduction techniques – or any of that. It’s about something that guys give a lot of lip service to, but don’t focus on nearly enough. Stay with me and I’ll reveal what that something is.

In Flirting 101 I revealed these 3 flirting mistakes: Waiting too long to approach or start the conversation, flirting with your mouth instead of your whole body, and asking for a date instead of just a small “upsell.” Here are 3 more!

Mistake 4: Complimenting a woman’s looks.

The first thing I see a lot of plugged in guys go for is the flattery angle when they try to flirt with women. WRONG! The unfortunate part is that this tactic does work, but not when it’s done carelessly.

The best thing to compliment a woman on is her appearance, but not on the parts that come naturally to her. The things she was given – her looks or genetic traits – don’t feel earned. Better is to compliment her on her CHOICE in appearance. The easiest way to do this is to compliment her on her clothes or jewelry.

You see, her appearance is something that she had to consciously think about and choose, and compliments you make about this are felt far more deeply. Women are looking for validation – as everyone is. But when you’re validated on something that you can’t control such as her appearance and looks (except with make-up and hair products), it doesn’t resonate.

Remember that when you want to know how to flirt with women, you have to target the areas that she is most likely to respond to.

Mistake 5: Relying on words alone.

This is quite similar to Mistake 2 in my Flirting 101 post, but I really want to drill this whole body language thing in.

Again, most guys think that a woman is only listening to what he’s saying when he walks up, and that she will believe what he says. The guys who are the best at meeting women know that what you say is just about the least important thing when you discover how to flirt with women.

Women are actually keying in on a bunch of signals from you, including your body language, tonality, and eye contact. All of these things are much more important than the words you say. In fact, when men focus too much on words, they actually turn women off because they become ten times more obvious by saying it instead of hinting at it with their body language.

No matter what you say, women know immediately when you’re hitting on them.

Being smooth is overrated.

Don’t be smooth.

Mistake 6: Not being GENUINE.

If you haven’t figured it out by now, the hidden ingredient for how to flirt with women is really simple: it’s sincerity. It’s your authenticity and willingness to just be yourself. It’s because this is what she needs to know in order to trust you and feel safe around you.

The big mistake that most guys make is to try to hide their interest in a woman, and hide their sexuality in the process. This is what kills attraction for women because they sense a man who is not in harmony with himself. He will seem like he’s trying to be deceptive, even when he’s doing what he thinks the woman wants.

Or, if he’s not honest about his interest, she will think he’s “just friends” material, and that kills attraction right away. Not to mention that converting a woman from a friend into more is ten times harder than if you just did it right in the first place.

When you try to keep your sexual interest hidden, she will also sense that you’ve got a hidden agenda.

And that feels plain sneaky.

The real source of attraction is always in the power of uncertainty with a woman, while being true to yourself. When she feels your power as a man, and doesn’t know where she stands with you, that leaves the door wide open for romance when you’re learning how to flirt with women.

I hope you took something useful out of this.


How to Flirt with Women: Flirting 101

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Flirt mistake 1: Waiting too long to approach or start the conversation.

If there’s any dating advice for men that stands the test of time, it’s this one. Women are estimating your confidence level based on how long you wait until you approach. The longer it takes, the more interest and attraction she loses for you.

The second she notices you, and knows that you have noticed her, a timer starts in her head. And if you hesitate, that tells her you’re not as confident as she wants you to be. And if it takes TOO LONG, she’s going to find it creepy that you’re looking and not doing something.

So here’s my advice for men who want to avoid this mistake:

The second you see an attractive woman, your mind is going to try to stop you from going over to meet her. And there is no logical reason why for this, other than you feel a natural hesitation.

Just get into the habit of walking over within 3 seconds of seeing a woman you want to meet. 1-2-3. Showtime.

You don’t need a clever line to get her to talk to you. (In fact, using ‘lines’ on women often makes them more reluctant to talk.) Say hello and get right to it. Don’t try to be smooth.

Flirt mistake 2: Flirting with your mouth instead of your whole body.

Guys often make the mistake of being a bit too direct when they talk with women. The most important thing to recognize about women is that they like “indirectly direct” communication. Meaning that you can flirt-talk with her, but you have to give her “plausible deniability” the whole time you’re talking with her.

What is “Plausible deniability”? It’s the ability for a woman to deny that she had taken the lead or initiative in flirting or leading you on. She wants to hint to you that she’s interested, but she often can’t because of the amount of social pressure put on women to not be the pursuer. She also wants to be chased herself, so you want to give her the ability to write her own story about how it all happened.

So here’s my dating advice for men who want to avoid this mistake:

Instead of saying things like: “Wow, you sure are beautiful…” or “God must be missing an angel up in heaven…”, find ways of communicating your appreciation with your body language.

One of the best ways you can make a woman feel cherished and appreciated is simply to use more eye contact. Just look from eye to eye, and occasionally let your eyes stray down to her lips – or to her hair. This shows that you’re taking her in and find her attractive without sounding like a dork.

Just remember that appreciating does not mean “ogling.” You can visually appreciate a woman without looking like you’re imagining her naked. (Save that for later…)

Flirt mistake 3: Asking for a date instead of just a small “upsell.”

This is a frequent mistake guys make. They will go talk to a woman, get things going, and then end it with: “Hey, you want to go out on a date sometime?”

You can see the complete change in her eyes and her expression when he does this.

Asking for the date is a big turn off when it’s done too soon. It’s like walking onto a used car lot, and after only 2 minutes of small talk, the salesman asks you to come in and fill out the paperwork. Whoah!

Even on the phone, you don’t want to jump in too far, too fast. Remember that a man represents a whole bunch of “what ifs” to a woman, and your goal is to not start dancing in the minefield of her anxieties and blow things up.

Instead, the best dating advice for this situation is that you go for the easy “upsell.” So here’s my dating advice for men who want to avoid this mistake flirting with women:

If you’ve ever gone to McDonalds, you’ve been offered an “upsell” at one point or another. You probably heard it like this: “Would you like fries with that?”

It’s a brilliant marketing strategy that has increased McDonald’s revenues massively. Just by offering a small add-on, we’re more likely to agree to it.

Don’t ask for the date. Instead, just ask for a quick cup of coffee or tea. A small meeting like this is non-assuming, and will get a much higher acceptance rate from women. They won’t see it as threatening, and they’ll see it as a legit way to actually get to know you.

PLUS you’ll radically reduce the amount of flakes you get. (Most women flake on dates because she just forgets if she was really into you in the first place. She cooled off.)

So there you go. Three of my hottest flirting tips for men that you can put to use RIGHT NOW.